Earth 300 Newsroom.

Our latest news and events, as well as the stories that have been written about us in newspapers, magazines and online.

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Where some see waste, others see an opportunity to create value. Nic Gorini, Founder and Managing Partner at Spin Ventures, is on a mission to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
A microbial ecologist based in Singapore, Federico Lauro studies microbes in the ocean. These microbes are the basis for the food chain, without them there would be no fish. They also produce more than half of the oxygen we breathe every day.
One of the most important aspects of Earth 300, according to Martin Yates, is planning for technology that’s not quite there yet. Quantum computing, for example, can help transform the vessel into a floating mobile library of the world’s entire knowledge.
As Executive Chairman of the Singapore Space & Technology Ltd, Jonathan Hung knows that before humanity can sustain itself on the moon or mars, it needs to sustain itself here on Mother Earth.
The Founder of Chipsafer, as well as a United Nations Young Leader for Sustainable Goals, Victoria has an ambitious mission: to improve the safety, welfare and security of livestock herds while lowering the environmental impact for farmers.